It’s easier than ever to be smart about your energy use to create a warmer home that’s cheaper to run. From timers, tariffs and apps to actions you can take around the house, being savvy and making the most of modern tech can improve things not just for the environment, but your wallet too.
We’ve rounded up some of the most cost-effective actions you can take below:

Get a smart meter
Energy suppliers install smart meters in homes at no extra cost. They provide near real-time information about energy use via an in-home display, helping track spending and save money on bills.
Smart meters provide automatic readings to your supplier, meaning easier budgeting and an end to estimated and manual readings. Some suppliers also offer apps that allow you to track your use and compare it over different time periods and they’ll also mean you can make the most of any tariffs that offer cheaper electricity during different hours of the day.
You can contact your energy supplier to see if you can get smart meter installed.

Consider a smart tariff*
As well as shopping around for the best fixed or variable deal, some energy suppliers offer smart “time-of-use” tariffs with cheaper rates for electricity during off-peak hours.
This can be particularly useful if your home uses a lot of electricity – such as an electric vehicle, electric heating, or having lots of electrical appliances – and you can shift some of that usage and potentially make big savings on bills.
Smart tariffs help cut carbon in the wider energy system too, by reducing peak demand and allowing the grid to use more renewable sources.
Some people may also be able to participate in demand reduction schemes like the NESO Demand Flexibility Service, which works in a similar way by rewarding customers for shifting their energy use. Under these schemes, you can reduce your bills and potentially earn points and prizes.
Smart actions to help save money on bills

Reduce your boiler flow temperature
If you have a combi boiler, the efficiency can be improved by adjusting the ‘flow temperature’ dial/setting to 60°C. Research suggests combi boilers work best when they heat the water that goes to the radiators at that temperature or below, which is called the ‘flow temperature’.
Most boilers in the UK are set at flow temperatures much higher (often 70-80°C), whereas a flow temperature of 60°C means it will be in condensing mode and recover heat more efficiently.
If you are over 65, or have pre-existing health conditions, you may want to set a slightly higher flow temperature of 65°C to ensure your home warms more quickly.
Nesta have more information on lowering your combi boiler flow temperature setting.

Turn down radiators in rooms you aren’t using
When you’re not using rooms, turning the radiator valves down to a lower setting can actually be more helpful than turning them off completely.
Turning off radiators can be less energy efficient, as it means your boiler has to work harder to maintain the temperature of a room you are heating. It can also cause issues with mould and damp.
People over 65, children under 5 and those with pre-existing health conditions are more vulnerable to cold temperatures and should take extra care to make sure they are warm enough.
Find out more about central heating controls at Energy Saving Trust.

Find and fix draughts
Draught-proofing can be one of the cheapest and most effective actions to reduce your energy bills, by ensuring less heat escapes from your home.
You can block unwanted gaps around windows, doors and floors although you should take care not to seal any intentional ventilation, such as extractor fans, underfloor grilles or airbricks, wall vents or trickle vents.
Many draught-proofing measures can be installed yourself, or you can get help from a professional.
Find out more about draught proofing at Energy Saving Trust.

Insulate your hot water cylinder
If you have a hot water tank, it will often make financial sense to invest in a hot water cylinder jacket, available in most hardware shops and online. This reduces the amount of heat the cylinder loses and keeps water hot for longer, making it more efficient and cheaper to use.
The pipes that run to and from the tank can also be insulated, preventing your pipes freezing in extreme temperatures.
Find out more about insulating tanks, pipes and radiators at Energy Saving Trust.

Turn appliances off at the socket
Almost all electrical appliances in your home, such as computers, televisions, smart devices and video game consoles, draw power continuously when they are plugged in.
Turn off the power switch at the socket or unplugging them when they are not in use will save you money over the long term.

Install an energy efficient shower head
Energy efficient shower heads reduce the amount of water used by either regulating the flow or aerating the water. They can be purchased at any home improvement shop and installed yourself. Some water companies even provide them for free.
They’re not suitable for electric showers, although these can often be switched to ‘eco mode’ to provide benefits too.
*Energy customers should note that whether a tariff saves them money depends on their circumstances and they should carefully read any terms and conditions before switching.